One of the weirdest things I have ever experienced in my life is our baby moving. It brings so much emotion, sometimes pain, sometimes relief, sometimes joy, sometimes excitement, sometimes fear.
A few days ago I awoke to my husband snoring while cuddling my belly. He had a hand of either side and was fast asleep, our little man on the other hand was wide awake and kicking my guts. I just savoured this moment for a little while thinking about how on earth we came to get here and then poked my husband to stop him snoring!
We are a very blessed little family! Somedays it is so easy to forget it, somedays it's so easy to get caught up in who's turn it is to do the dishes, why on earth we have a bird when it just sits outside all day, all the aches and pains of life but when you sit back and really think about it we are so incredibly blessed.
You see the blessings in the little things, having a water fight in the backyard, watching your husband hang the baby clothes on the line, conversations about the hopes and dreams you have for your lives together and your children's lives. And you realise that everything that matters in the world is in your house.
I think marriage and pregnancy have really altered my view on life. I used to have this on going argument with my mother that adults just aren't as "in tune" with the world like kids are and in some respects they really aren't. I can admit that being part adult/part child. But what I failed to realise as a kid having this argument that adults may not see the world in a child's eyes but that is because they have to be adults. Although my mum was a stay home mum the entire time I was growing up she worked harder than anyone I know. Having my own child makes me realise how far my mother would go for us, how much she fought for us and what she did and does give up for us.
I never truly appreciated what my mum did and I don't think I will fully appreciate her until our little man is here and I am finally a mum.
We have a growth scan tomorrow to check on how our little man is doing. Although it feels like he is taking over my entire body! When I wake up in the morning and see myself in the mirror it is truly a shock to the system. After working so hard to get my body to the size I wanted it, earlier in the year, I am now the size of a whale and feeling pretty horrible. Pregnancy is not nearly as "beautiful" as it appears from the outside. Granted what my body is doing is a incredible thing, you don't really get the chance to grow a baby everyday. Sometimes I look at my now almost watermelon sized stomach and think theres a little child in there, a baby with a face, a smile, two arms, two legs and a belly that's going to send us broke when he's a teenager :) It is really incredible and although I would love to be able to breathe again, or maybe not have to go to the bathroom quite so often I am so glad he is growing but so glad we only carry them for 9 months!