A little blog about all things crazy in my crazy little world.

Thursday, 22 December 2011

waiting waiting waiting whoops

So I wrote this post on the 10th of December while in labour (and didn't realise) and forgot to post it :)

The past nine months have been all about patience. Whether it's exercising patience in the doctors waiting room, or with peoples attitudes or even with our cheeky little man. Patience has been key.
Now at almost 38 weeks pregnant and giving birth in 10 days I feel like every day, hour and minute is dragging on. I get excited when I sleep for 5 hours straight as it feels like someone has temporarily hit the fast forward button! Andrew has been doing a fair bit of over time and between that and the rain he has been taking my car to work everyday so I can't even go and shop to waste some time.
Instead I sit down, put my feet up and think about how crazy my life is about to become!
I cannot imagine in ten days from now officially being a mum, I cannot imagine having a tiny little baby to feed, to cuddle, to love.
I am totally overwhelmed with excitement and fear. I feel like I have an endless list of things I want to get done although majority of these are impossible (Imagine a 38 week pregnant me, trying to mow the lawn in this heat!)
There is this big buzz around the arrival of babies, a lot of the other mums in our December group have already given birth and it's truly incredible how we all support each other and how excited we all get at the hint of labour! Now although I really am not a fan of being pregnant this is really the most incredible time in my life. Such an incredible blessing and I am amazed at every little thing my body is doing and every little thing my baby is doing.

At our last appointment they did a scan to check presentation. Bub is still bottom down, head up with his legs in front (Frank breech) and spine against spine. Not the most comfortable position for either of us. The scan we had also took measurements of his head circumference, belly, legs and gives us an estimate on weight. At 36 weeks he was roughly weighing 2.8kg and his head was measuring 34 cms which is in the 94th percentile and his belly was tiny and only in the 34th percentile, legs were spot on.
Because our hospital and the two local (2 hours and 5 hours away) don't do breech deliveries our only option is to have a caesarian section. We are all booked in and will be having our little one in ten days!!!!

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