A little blog about all things crazy in my crazy little world.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Every Crazy Little Thing You Do!

So it's no real secret that having a baby early in marriage or early in a relationship can put a "spanner in the works" so to speak. Trying to have a relationship and get to know each other as husband and wife with a screaming baby in between is incredibly hard!

One thing that someone said to me recently is that a good marriage takes work no matter how long you have been married. This gave me a lot more faith about our marriage and how we are both feeling. We have an excellent relationship- don't get me wrong- We love each other more than I could have ever imagined loving someone. 

Anyways I found a website today that has inspired me! It's called www.thedatingdivas.com
There are hundreds of fantastic date ideas for couples and also for families! And it really shows that ALL relationships need work and that "Dating" is so important. So I sent a text to DH and asked if we could have a regular date night. Monday or Tuesday nights are our best bet purely because DH always has to work day shifts on those two days. But there will be some "dates" we will need to do on the weekends. For example the garage sale date, like a scavenger hunt for garage sale items. We love thrift stores and garage sales so it's perfect for us!

Also! On the "love" stuff... Our anniversary is coming up *eee* It's still a few months away but I have now realised how incredibly organised I need to be with a super unpredictable human being on my hip! Noah keeps me on my toes for the majority of the day so what normally took a few hours to organise can take up to a week! Especially if I want to get some much needed sleep!

I have a few ideas up my sleeve for our anniversary

One of which is a framed print of our vows **see below**

Anyways Noah has now been in bed for 2 1/2 hours so I better join him in the land of the nod!

Hope everyone is well xx 

1 comment:

  1. Love the ideas Kimberely!! And especially framing your vows. They are typed up sooo beautifully!! And it will be a good reminder to walk past regularly :P
