A little blog about all things crazy in my crazy little world.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Rain rain go away!

So much rain here lately! It is definitely feeling like a wet season now!
Honestly, I was wondering what everyone was whinging about when they said
that the wet season was awful! But Hello! The second last week of the "wet season"
and here it is! We have buckets under different parts of our house where the roof is leaking!
Andrew had to climb on the roof to check out what was going on! But the real adventure
was trying to figure out how to get back down!! Ahh So much fun!

This week has been pretty uneventful- Just packing, cleaning and more packing! We headed to Mackay yesterday to pick up some toys for Noah. We got a second hand jitter buggy (toy car) but he is way too small for it and also got a second hand Lamaze tummy time mat! He loves it! His cousin Evie has a similar one and he loved it when we visited so decided to get one!

Totally another day!----- I don't get much time to write on this blog but I find it really good to get out what i'm feeling and to reflect on how far we have come.

I had a bit of a mummy stress this week over Noahs development. He is perfect socially, in fact he is the most social baby I have ever met! He smiles and coos and talks to everyone and everything. But he just lays there- Unless he's feeling particularly  gassy he will just lay there and coo. Funny how two short weeks ago I was so frustrated and upset with how sad he was and now i'm upset about how happy he is about not doing anything! But in comparison to babies around his age he wasn't very "mobile" He hated toys. Every toy I showed him he would cry at, he would even freak out and bury his face into my chest if I put him in front of a mirror. So this week was definitely "Operation Play Time". I pulled out every toy we had in the house and figured out what he did and didn't like. Noah LOVES faces, he loves singing (especially the animal sounds song!), He liked looking at lights, he loves the breeze and fresh air and the sound of rain.

So with this- I tried to find toys Noah liked. He hated the vibrating bird, he hated the crinkly elephant, he hated the bright colour frog. BUT I finally found something he liked- Those plastic links. I went out and bought more and clipped them everywhere. He grabs them, sings to them, puts them in his mouth. I never thought encouraging your child to play would be so difficult. Most people (everyone I have talked to) has told me to chill out, enjoy him but I was at a complete loss at to why Noah just hated toys. At the moment I believe that the toys are just over stimulating and a bit much especially after a day of music and walking.
I plan on spending a bit more "quiet" time encouraging playing and hopefully *fingers crossed* he starts loving toys!

Noah is getting so much better at sitting up! He has his bumbo but we also spend time without it and seeing how long he can sit up on his own for. :D He is still very chatty! And just so incredibly amazing. I cannot begin to explain to the love I have for him- A love that only a mother could ever understand.

There is this quote, "Making the decision to have a child in momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body."

This is so true. And I will never be the same- Andrew and I will never be the same. I never thought 12 short months ago that Andrew and I would be sitting here having an disagreement over Boys Brigade Vs Soccer! Or Private vs public schooling, or when is the right time to start swimming lessons. Twelve short months ago it was all about "us" and Now it is all about Noah! And it feels AMAZING!

ANYWAYS- Enough bragging about my little man!

We are all packed ready for our move tomorrow! The removalist picks up our things at lunch tomorrow and then we are here for two days (It was partially furnished so we will still have beds etc) while we clean and then staying in Sarina with other managers while we wait for our house to be finished. We were given the 25th of March for a move in date but unfortunately it looks like it will be delayed due to the heavy rainfall we had in the last few days.

But we CANNOT wait to move into our new place!! In the past week we've had "fun" at Laguna- Lots of flooding, The roof at our front door has decided to leak and start cracking!, the power went out quite a few times and the gas ran out *fun!* I kept saying to Andrew it was like very expensive camping! But honestly I will really miss this house. It is such an experience and you really have to live here to realise how magical it is :)

OHHHHHH!! Cannot forget to add! Andrew and I switched off the lights to hop into bed And Stood in AWE of fireflies! Yes real life fireflies! They were covering our windows with their beautiful lights :) We have been here for 6 months and that is the first time we have seen them :)

Anyways what alot of rambling :)

Thanks for reading

Monday 12 March 2012

Happy Three Months!! + Photo Dump

HAPPY Three Months Noah!

I had to underline, highlight and put the word HAPPY in all capitals as Noahs "3 month" Birthday
was a very happy day!! I am still buzzing now!
For the past 13 weeks I have been feeling like we were running up a hill. Each day was a little easier, but never nice, never happy! But yesterday we had an amazing day!
Yesterday was the first time, I hopped into bed and thought WOW i'm a Mum and a successful one at that!
Noah has always been a very unsettled baby, It's hard to even explain it to people because I always got the "babies cry" comments, or advice on colic and soothing babies. I can honestly say we tried everything!! Every medicine, every massage, showers, walking everything!
He was a great night time sleeper- so we were very lucky with that! But between 5am and 7pm he cried. Most days it would be 10-11 hours of crying during the day unless we drove, or walked or sat in the shower. It was exhausting!!
But yesterday at 7am we noticed a change. We woke up and were shocked at the time. We then heard Noah through the monitor cooing- Surely this was not our child, happily laying in bed? We went to his room and sure enough there he was happily cooing and looking at the monitor? I thought to myself- Ahh we are in for hell today if he's happy now... But come lunch time I realised we had, had no tears. I had made lunch, put out the washing and barely had to carry Noah at all. He was happy under the play gym, or in the pram watching me put the washing out. Come dinner time he cooed at me while I made dinner and I sang to him and we found a few songs on you tube he liked. After we had a shower, and dinner. He was fast asleep. I then sat in bed- In a bit of a shock. What had just happened??

Two days ago we had started giving Noah an extra formula feed in the morning. We have no idea whether he is just growing up or whether the extra feed helped but either way we are ecstatic!!!
It has really changed our whole view of the world. We aren't getting any more sleep than we were before but there is no tension in the house, no bickering, nothing. We realised today when Andrew left for his toastmasters class that we hadn't turned the TV on at all. Normally we have it on as background noise to all the screaming!

Today has been just as good as yesterday!! I've been worried about Noah not being interested in hitting things or looking at his feet etc. I have been told numerous times that he is fine but I don't think anyone could ever tell a mother not to worry! Today I held some toys up to him and jiggled them around and tah dah he smacked it- I squealed and he did it again. Then he got fed up- but it was enough for me to know that I'm on the right track :)

My little superman was tired!
Having a little flash back to when Noah was just two days old. :) Reminds me of how far we have come! 

He loves his pram! And chilling out! :) 

Asleep on our walk around Laguna

We decided to do fulltime cloth nappies this week!
And I couldn't resist buying a purple one!


Noah at 3 months and 1 day! :D Not a baby anymore! 

It is truly amazing how big he is getting! 

Happy monkey!! 

And a VIDEO! :)

Saturday 10 March 2012

A day in a status update

High five! Noah slept 11 hours last night before I had to wake him up! 

Woohoo Christmas Tree arrived! It’s amazing- Is it too early to put it up?

I think it’s incredible how many people speed!! Ughhh

Whoops forgot I bought Ice at the servo. At least I now have a reason to clean the car (A better reason than just keeping it clean!)

Ahh felt ridiculous taking Noah to the hospital for sleeping too much! That’s meant to be a good thing right? Haha Poor tike has a virus!!

Ahhh The powers gone out AGAIN!!! Errrrgoooonnnn

Lol forgot I had my husbands phone and sent him a text. Felt a bit silly when the phone went off beside me!

Mumma bear is feeling soooo drowsy!!

Chai latte + Caesar salad WIN!!

Dear Noah I do not want to spend your entire tummy time flipping you back over- only to have you whinge every time you roll!!

Gees Noahs feet get cold!! Burrrr*

Ahhh Noah fell asleep two hours before bedtime Waa!!!

You know you have an addiction to purple when every internet shopping site you go on you type in purple in their search just to see what they have

Had a random "I MISS MY BELLY" moment tonight looking at my old pregnancy photos J

Yay Noah is asleep Wth was that??!!

Night all xx

Friday 9 March 2012

It could've been worse

Three things I say alot now that i'm a mum

It's just so hard

It could've been worse 

But he's so damn cute

I say these three lines so much but it really became clear today when we lost power.
It was just so hard without the power- Now as a mum things become alot harder and who ever tries to convince you otherwise either had a tribe to help bring up their kids or hasn't had kids. It is HARD! It is hard emotionally and physically. Having a child in mentally draining- Instead of thinking about just you or just you and your husband, you are now solely responsible for a living being and not just any living being a completely helpless one. When we lost power today so much went through my head.
How do I boil water? How do I do the washing? How do I give my baby a warm shower (Gas hot water that needs electricity to start it!) What do I do if my phone charge runs out? How do I keep my child cool? A million things ran through my head, but prior to Noah the only thing about losing power that bothered me was the inability to go on Facebook.

It could've been worse- And it could have.
It could've been hotter, It could've been raining, It could've been the middle of the night, Andrew could've been at work. Alot of "could haves"run through my mind.
Again another mummy thing- Once I had Noah I worry about what could have happened. Not the nicest thing to dwell on! As a human being we all make mistakes but I have REALLY noticed them now that i'm a mum. If you burnt your own mouth you would say "ouch that was stupid" and move on. If you burn your babies mouth you cry, you critique yourself, you feel like your baby will never forgive you.. Must admit I haven't burnt my babies mouth. But I buckled his belly into the car seat OUCH! I have forgotten to put insect repellent on and we are both now walking around with mosquito hickies. I have done many things that ordinarily you wouldn't blink an eyelid to but when it's your child It seems like the worst thing in the world. Every person I saw today I would have to announce that the bites were mosquitos and yes I am stupid for going walking at sunset!
Sometimes It could have been worse is a good thing- Helps you realise you are doing the right thing.

BUT he's so damn cute! Oh boy!! This kid knows how to make his mummy so happy!
We went shopping and he smiled at everyone walking by- Strangely that makes me so proud. My baby is so happy and it feels AMAZING!! So regardless of how much I worry, how much I stress about how he is doing developmentally- He can smile and that smile means more to me than any grasp reflex :)

Anyways as I was writing this the power went out for another hour *fun* but seems to be back for now :)


Thursday 8 March 2012


We've had a pretty interesting 24 hours here.

  • Social networking drama
  • New house progress
  • A love life to die for!
  • How to spend 5k in 10 minutes! 
All of the above "interesting points" don't seem all that interesting but I assure you they kept me entertained all day! As we all know social networking is definitely a great place to start a debate. You can speak without thinking and not be concerned that the person is going to punch you in the face. 
In May last year I joined a Facebook mothers group, being so far away from family etc it was a great resource. We all awaited our babies arrival and celebrated when they finally came! We all went through the sleepless nights, the colic, the worry, we gave each other advice on medicines, swaddles, methods of soothing. It was really an excellent resource. I managed to meet up with a couple of the mums while in Brisbane and it was nice to put a face to their online profile. Things change- Not sure why but they do.
I liked to use the group to complain about issues I was having with DH, something in hindsight I regret. But considering I have no friends or family up here it was my only method of venting. I got some positive and negative views on the situation and a few that hit a bit too hard so I decided to leave the group and just move on. During the night I was pm'd a few times with people being concerned and also some asking about if I left because of a certain post which had been posted after I had left. I'm not sure exactly what was said but as far as I know it was them considering it rude that we don't consider them when we vent.
Normally if there is an argument on the group, we apologise and move on but this one snowballed.
It has no gotten to the point where people are being excluded, and talked about behind their backs. Some of the mothers in the group are really hurting over the comments made (myself included).
I decided to just give up on the issue and add myself back to the group as the person who made the comments to me in the first place apologised and we sorted it out. When you try to rejoin a group it has to be approved by admin.... 24 hours ago. Honestly i'm angry, upset and feeling betrayed and then I have to sit back and remember it's just Facebook. I shared everything with that group of girls and now it just feels like that support network is gone. ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!

Our house! We went to visit the house today *yeee* And the roller door in on and the kitchen is in but still no floor (tiles or carpet) no drive way or patio and no paint! So much to do in so little time!
We are meant to move in on the 25th of March and hoping that, that is the definite move in date. The removalist is booked and we've given our intention to leave forms for our current house :)

Love life!! I assumed that when I had a baby I would have no real interest in DTD ever again, little did I realise that my real issue would be never having enough time! Dh and I don't get much opportunity to get all loved up. Noah is very full on, especially at night and by the time he is asleep and the dishes are done we are both ready to pass out. A cuddle and we are both fast asleep. Noah has really good sleeps at night usually 8-2 4-7 :) It's much better although I wish he wasn't so awake between 2am and 4am *exhausting* I'm hoping that as Noah gets older, Andrew and I are able to spend more time together as a couple.

We were very excited to go shopping today to order our new furniture!! Didn't realise how quickly we would come to a decision though! We ended up getting a really nice dark timber bedroom suite, 7pce dining table, two couches (2seat&3seat) and an entertainment unit! They are so nice and we are crazy excited to get them in the house and set up! We are also going to get a rug and a coffee table but need to save up our $$ for it! I love furniture shopping! It's the best and definitely after such a crap night!

Anyways! I know this is a very random post - Normally by now i'd have 15 Facebook statuses to vent :)

Love to you all xx

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Our New House

I can't remember if I mentioned in a previous post about our change of plans with 
our house. We originally were going to move to a little house in West Mackay, Nice 
but a short term lease. Instead we were offered a 4 bedroom home in Mirani (Meer Ran Ee) 
Yes I say it wrong- ALOT 
It's brand new- So brand new we've been able to watch it being built!! 
We've been given a hand over date of the 25th of March and hoping that will be it but really 
depends on the weather!! 

We are sending out moving house cards as soon as we have actually moved :D
Can't wait!