A little blog about all things crazy in my crazy little world.

Sunday 24 June 2012

A roll is a roll and a toll is a toll

It's funny the things you begin to remember about your childhood once you have your own child.
My husband and I have these moments, these little glimmers of our childhood and we sit there for a moment and really absorb it. Or we have the "do you remember" discussion. Although we are only 4 years apart in age it can sometimes feel like a decade! I believe it all depends on how you were brought up and of course GENDER!

Andrew will sometimes ask me about a truck, a war, or any numerous boy movies and I will have no clue what he is talking about! But then again I'm sure he does not know what/who polly pocket was!

There are some things from our childhoods that we adore and we are adamant that Noah will be brought up the same way. There are some things we have learnt as we have grown up and have chosen for our own lives and realise that it's not the way we want our children to live. Parenting is such an individual thing and I am not surprised that many couples find themselves fighting for the first time after a baby is born.

I'm going to probably be the only person in Australia with children putting their hand up and saying I did not buy a single thing in the toy sales. Not one. I didn't lay buy, I didn't purchase.. Nothing.
I sat there and read the catalogue, I viewed the toys online and then we decided not to purchase anything. Instead we decided to email our landlord and ask if we could put in a veggie patch.
Yes, It's exactly what a one year old would LOVE. A box of potential muddy veggies!
I guess for us, it was the beginning of realising that we NEEDED to be the parents we wanted to be!

When we were driving the other day I asked DH where he saw our future. We had been in discussion with our district manager about transferring to Maryborough (in the very far future). I had loved the idea as it's closer to home and there is the most amazing house in Maryborough that I house stalk!
Anyways.. I have this dream, I've always had this dream... Of a big house, with a big yard a long drive way a big tree with a tyre swing, lots of kids, a noisy dog, some chickens and maybe even a token duck!

Ever since moving to our new house I have been dreaming and dreaming and dreaming about moving and I couldn't figure out why. This house is lovely, it's all shiny and new but it's not a home that I want my children to run around muddy in! and I never thought I would say this but I love mud! I love the idea of children PLAYING! I don't dream of TV, and gadgets and the wiggles. I dream about camping around a fire, playing tag outside, running through fields to find creeks. Call me old fashioned but isn't that would childhood is meant to be like?

So even though we can't have a big farm house with a tyre swing I think a little veggie patch will suffice for now!!
I could write about this forever. There are so many things I need to get off my chest.. Private/Public schooling, TV for babies, Messy Babies, Sewing, Going back to work, Going back to Uni. But I have NO TIME!!!!!

One of these days I will have a day to just write :D

Saturday 19 May 2012

Have a break- Have a kit kat!

Well we are FINALLY in our new house! It was a pretty huge move and has knocked us all about a fair bit. The house is amazing and we are so glad to be here but we are all very tired!!
When we packed up our house at Laguna, Noah was at a stage where it didn't really bother him moving around etc. Now he is a lot more aware of everything going on and is not used to everything here and it's a bit full on.

Everything seems to be getting on top of me at the moment and i've decided to put the diet/exercise on hold for a few days. Not that I have anything unhealthy in the house but not focusing on eating at set times, set meals, set calories. Ahhh It's hard to explain why I'm feeling the way I am. It could simply be because the house is messy and I just cannot possibly get it all done as soon as I want it done and it's frustrating. I finish one box and then I look up and there is a hundred more.
I'm going to indulge in a single tub of weight watchers chocolate mousse! Straighten my hair and read a book for the first time since before our little man arrived!


Oh and I HATE reflux!!!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Learning to trust my body.

So the last few  days whilst amping up my exercise routine i've had to really learn to trust my body.
This seems like a really silly concept but having gone through a horrible pregnancy and birth with Noah my body didn't really fill me with joy!

"Most" pregnancies are perfect. Yeah crampy and uncomfortable, yes you get bloated and hot and you sometimes get reflux for no reason. I call that the perfect pregnancy. My pregnancy with Noah on the other hand was filled with fear, pain and just waiting for the bad news to arrive. Each week that went past it got a little easier to relax and hold on to the hope that Noah would pull through.

I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks after being admitted for what I thought was an allergic reaction to Tramadol. Although I am "officially" allergic to tramadol I also had morning sickness and didn't realise. Hence becoming dehydrated and in hospital! Morning sickness- Is totally normal for the first 12 weeks in a perfect pregnancy! But then at 8 weeks I had a major bleed. I had just been shopping with my mother and my 20 week pregnant sister when it happened. I ran to my mum and broke down in hysterics. She called my Husband and I cried and cried. He picked me up and we drove to the closest hospital. We were sitting in the waiting room for all of about 2 minutes before I was called up. I believe we were pushed to the front of the line because of my hysterical crying more than anything because once I got inside the doctor said that they will take bloods and organise an ultrasound for later in the week. Because it was so early they couldn't check for a heartbeat and the sonographer had gone home already. Again more tears. I just wanted to know if my baby was still with us!

Andrew and I drove home- In complete silence. I hopped into bed and I just wanted to disappear. I called my GP the next day and he got me a referral to see a private sonographer who could get me in that day. The hospital had still not called to book me in for a scan. Assuming that I had miscarried and really not wanting to deal with other people I headed to the ultrasound on my own.

She switched on the machine, put the gel on my belly and waved it around and there he was... This tiny little jelly bean with the most beautiful heart beat!

They did the scan free of charge and were just as happy as I was to see the good news! The second I was out of there I called Andrew and my mum and let them know. I was over the moon but so confused. Why would my body bleed when the baby is still there?

After seeing my GP he cleared up a few things. Firstly the bleed was a subchrionic hematoma. Mine was fairly large and my GP was quite concerned from that moment onwards at nearly 9 weeks I was on bed rest. At that stage I was allowed to potter around the house but no lifting, no long walks etc.

My morning sickness was, as those around me would recall, fairly epic! I was very sick. I was so sick I lost alot of weight even with being on bed rest and eating as much as possible. It was like a horrible dream that I just couldn't wake up from.

I had a few more bleeds before our wedding and then over did it at our wedding and had another big bleed which was all I could think about on our honeymoon. At around 23 weeks my doctor suggested I pack my hospital bag just in case I need to deliver Noah early. When I was told this, I freaked out. We were about to move to Mackay and I really had no idea what I would do if I gave birth to a very premature baby!

26 weeks came and I sighed a small breath of relief. Around 26 weeks is when they consider your baby, a baby and will fight for him/her! 30 weeks came as well and around this point I found a routine that worked, zofran was working better and I was taking it easy and getting stuck into my cross stitch. We had a few trips to the hospital for bleeding and braxton hicks but they were happy to just keep me on bed rest.

The next few weeks were "tight" Noah grew and grew and for once I felt pretty happy. He was frank breech so his head was in my ribs making things very uncomfortable. I had alot of horrible braxton hicks but nothing too bad. My birthday came and Noah was 37 weeks. I had a pretty full on night (for someone on bed rest!) The next 3 days were filled with epic braxton hicks which I ended up giving in to and ducking up to the hospital. Assuming we were just going to get checked over I packed a quick bag, put a load of washing on and didn't bother making the bed.

We arrived and I was checked out. (The rest is my birth story which is in another post)
Basically I had to have an emergency c-section with Andrew by my side and Noah was handed to us!
Finally safe and sound!

I think in reality the whole time he was on the inside I wasn't sure that he was going to make it and the second he was in my arms I knew I could take care of him, I could protect him.

Ahhh Anyways. Massive vent!

Friday 11 May 2012

We Bought A Zoo!!

Well not quite!
But I did get spoilt. While I was on holidays in Brisbane my AMAZING husband got us
the fridge that I was dying to have! I think I touched on it on a previous blog post but I
cannot rave enough about this fridge.

It's the Mitsubishi Multi-Drawer Fridge


This is my "official" Mothers day present although we won't get it until we get into the new house!
Which is making me giddy with excitement about moving!

Yet again our house was delayed again! We got the phone call on the day we were meant to pick up the keys that they had been delayed AGAIN. So new updated date is the 18th of May.
I'm actually relatively okay with this as we've got a system in place for changing everything around over and over and over again. But needless to say we cannot wait to get into our new house!
Just hoping we are at least there for State of Origin!

Andrew has to go to Brisbane on Monday for a meeting and will get back Tuesday afternoon! Feels like forever and I cannot imagine how he felt when Noah and I went away for 8 days!

Hmmm What else...
Noah is doing GREAT! He's 5 months already. He keeps practicing sitting up on his own and gets annoyed when we  try to lay him down. He loves kicking everything and is definitely better with his feet than his hands, although his hand eye co-ordination has improved a lot!
He was great on the flight down to Brisbane but the flight home was a different story! Basically everything that could go wrong on a flight did!
Anyways Noah and I have jumped into a health and fitness regime! Well Noah is being dragged along while Mummy exercises! Going for 1-2 hour walks daily, then a little cardio and a super healthy 1200 max calorie diet. I lost 2 kgs straight up (I call that coke weight!) and have stalled and haven't lost anything more but feel a lot stronger and healthier.

Anywho Noah is fast asleep so I should get dinner sorted!

Tah tah for now! HOPEFULLY my next post is from our new house!

Sunday 6 May 2012

Date Night: Garage sale!

Sorry it's taken so long to post AGAIN!

Last weekend Andrew and I had a garage sale/markets date. It was fun but
somewhat of an epic fail. We had a plan, we had a list, we had moolah.
We bought almost nothing! Saturday it rained and rained! First time it had
rained in a long time so alot of garage sales weren't on any more. We headed
to a family fun day at the railway factory. I forget the name but it was actually
really interesting. Learnt how they made the railway lines and Noah was fascinated
with the disney princesses.

Then we headed to Box Lots a bulk buying store which was having a closing down sale.
Sea FM the radio station was there and the host asked if we would like to join the competition
to win a family pass to the circus which of course we said yes! A few hours later we were
driving to the Mirani house and I got a phone call saying we had won! I was a bit too
excited and had a cry *blame baby hormones still sorting themselves out!*

As excited as we were we soon realised we wouldn't be able to use them as I would be in Brisbane.
But oh well it was exciting while it lasted!
Then Sunday we went to the markets and again bought nothing until the very last minute. We found a stall that had Tupperware!!!!! I think tupperware collecting is the only hobby Andrew actually understands. I love tupperware! At the moment we are trying to collect the red modular mates! I love it!
We got over $200 worth of tupperware for $50 woo!

Now I need to rush it's 11pm and Noah is fast asleep! I'm in Brisbane at the moment with my family. My siblings had their school musical (Grease!) It was awesome! Noah had his needles :( and I got my hair done!! (Red head!!)

Oh and to no ones surprise..... THE HOUSE HAS BEEN DELAYED AGAIN!!!!
We are reluctant to move Wednesdays move in date as all we are waiting on now is the inspector but

Hopefully my next post will be from our new house!

Thursday 26 April 2012

Date Night: Success!

We had our very first "official" date night last Monday and it was awesome!!
Although we were both exhausted, and it was last minute we both made the effort to
make it a special night! We went to the shops and bought a (huge) roast, dessert and glass coke.

We decided to take some family photos as we only really had one or two of us together with Noah since he was born. So we spent the time the roast was in the oven making ourselves "pretty" and popped out into the yard at sunset to take some photos

After the photos, we sat down to a candle lit dinner. Somehow the topic of the music from our wedding came up. Sadly neither of us remembered the name of our first dance song so armed with my laptop we went searching. Having a laugh at all the memories these songs brought up!

Oh and then we sat down with our "roomies" and watched The Block! Our favourite show.

All in all an excellent night! Really glad we did it! 

Now I have a special date planned for Saturday and Sunday as Noah and I will be in Brisbane for the next two Mondays but it will be extra special and so much fun! 
Lets just say we are getting our frugality on!!  
Will update you all next week 

Tuesday 24 April 2012

The crazy little love handles!

Noah is 20 weeks old this Sunday! Twenty weeks!!!!!! WOW!!!
But this milestone has made me really think about what I have achieved....
I found a video of myself and my niece Lillia from 12 months ago! I was about 8 weeks
pregnant with Noah and 54kg! Granted I was far too skinny and was very sick but I looked
"good". Then I looked at myself now... and honestly I throw clothes on so I am "dressed"
but don't really care about how I look. (Sorry Husband!)

I'm too busy, too tired and heck I'm already married with a baby. I don't need to look good for anyone...

UMMMMMM.... Actually I need to look good.. For Me! (and for my poor husband!)

So as much as I want to say I look fine, I'll loose it eventually. I won't and I know it.
I had to work hard (and yes I did the wrong things to get there!) to get to 54kgs!
But now I know how amazing my body is.. I made a human! That's pretty darn cool!
I respect my body! And I want more kids so I won't be, being stupid this time!

Admittedly I eat fairly healthy. We love to cook and we rarely have processed foods or takeaway.
My older brother also got us hooked on Salads!

Anyways so although I eat fairly healthy meals I am a binge snacker! I love chocolate, crackers, lollies etc. I like eating! I think it's a boredom thing. Something to do while I spend my day singing to Noah!

I decided to sign up to the twelve week body transformation! Which means getting off my butt and exercising and cutting back the crap that I do eat and drinking alot more water!

Bye bye coke!! :'( I will miss you... for now.. Then i'll get over you!!
See you later Junk Food. Might see you again at a party some where but you are no longer part of my diet!

I aim to walk as much as possible, to try new things, I will spend less time sitting on the computer and more time doing things. I may even learn to mow the lawn *Oh my husband will be so excited!*

I aim to drink 4 bottles of water a day! To most this is "easy" to me it sounds like i'm going to drown! I hate water and within a week I would probably have 1-2 glasses in total!

I aim to eat healthier and also to encourage others to eat healthier!

If anyone is wanting to join the 12WBT let me know! I'd love buddies!